Saturday, February 06, 2010

Snowpocalypse, Snowmageddon, Snowlapalooza

Whatever you call it, it's A LOT OF SNOW! These pictures were taken at noon today.

As of 4:00, we've probably gotten 5 more inches, and they're predicting that it'll keep falling until about 10 p.m. tonight.

Despite the shovel in my hand, we decided to wait it out before we begin the real process of digging out.

In the meantime, we've got power, heat, and a pot of beef burgundy stew simmering on the stove (and another bottle of burgundy to drink with it)!

There are many worse things than 2+ feet of snow!


Lorenda said...

Shawn, I think the porch will be much more inviting in the summer!!

I sure hope that snow doesn't come this way! I got hit by a suicidal deer and will be taking the Jeep for repairs this week and will be renting a car and I'm sure it will be a tiny little thing that won't get me around like my Jeep can.

Roland Prevost said...

Your photos are wonderful!!!!! So much snow.

Dianne said...

Too much snow!