Sunday, February 14, 2010

Crockett's Valentines Day

We took our stir crazy dog for a walk on the beach at Terrapin Park today.

The parking lot hadn't been plowed, so we parked on the street and followed the cross country ski tracks to the water.The beach was iced in, but when Crockett wandered off shore, he found out that the water underneath the top crust is still relatively warm.

The ice is pretty thin - not strong enough to hold a 100+ pound dog! Neither Shawn nor I were brave enough to try it.


Lorenda said...

Water under the ice is WARM?????

I like the bridge picture. Is that the bridge we drove over?

Dianne said...

Relatively is the key word - water in the bay is salty, so it has to be very cold before it freezes solid. Yes, that's the big Chesapeake Bay Bridge - just a mile from our house.

Lorenda said...

salt water? really? I didn't know that.
Blog reading can be educational!!

Dianne said...

The Chesapeake Bay is an estuary - part fresh from the rivers that feed into it, part salt from where it flows into the ocean. The salinity varies with the season - Shawn wrote an article about it on his website if you want to know more!