Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I'm a commuter now!

My first day as a DC-metro area commuter -- to Capitol Hill in a little less than an hour -- wasn't SO bad. I'm pretty sure I'll miss my 15 minute walk to work, until I look at the water view out my back door...

I'm still not sure how long it will take to get to work, door-to-door, in rush hour traffic. I had to make a stop this morning to see the insurance adjustor about some damage to my little car. Can you believe that on my last day in Tennessee, someone broke into the Miata by cutting through the cloth top?!?!! This is why I've always kept a low deductible on my comprehensive coverage, why I never keep anything in the car, and why I never lock my doors. I don't think my thief was very smart...

After making a police report, I called the insurance company to report the claim. I couldn't get an appointment to see an adjustor before I left Knoxville, so we set it up for today in Annapolis. It will take them a couple days to send my check -- it has to come from Macon because my car was insured in Tennessee when I filed the claim -- but the little car should have a new top before too long. In the meantime, I've fixed it with duct tape. How cliched is that?!

Whatever works, I suppose.


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