Okay, maybe I should have waited before singing the praises of professional movers... I am still waiting for our stuff, almost two days after it was supposed to be here. The movers called on Friday afternoon to tell me that they were having mechanical problems with the truck, and asked if we wouldn't mind a Sunday delivery. Fine, I said.

We decided to leave Knoxville on Friday night as planned, but with the pressure of a Saturday noon delivery off, decided to spend the night in Harrisonburg, VA. We highly recommend the Red Carpet Inn -- it's a throwback to the golden age of motor travel in every way. The salmon and baby blue tiled bathroom alone was worth the $45 we paid for the room!

We got to Arnold by mid-afternoon and let ourselves into the house. We brought a few things with us -- including the cats, who still aren't sure what to think of a big yard, the water, and the next door neighbors' friendly dog -- and it took no time to get settled. Instead of unpacking boxes, we spent a leisurely Saturday night watching wild card football games in Annapolis.
I had just rolled off our air mattress this morning when the movers called to tell me they were stuck in Roanoke and promised they'd call when the truck was ready to go. I didn't hear from them until 4:30 this afternoon, triumphant. The truck is fixed, but they said they wouldn't be able to make it to Arnold until Monday. Would that be okay?
Fine, I said. What choice did I have?
Shawn repacked his suitcase and headed back to Knoxville for his last week of work, secretly happy, I think, that he'll miss all the moving fun.
At least the cable gal -- yes, she was a she -- made it to the house today. She was four hours late, but she was able to get everything hooked up with a minimum of fuss. Of course, my TV is on a truck somewhere in the Blue Ridge Mountains... So I find myself on this Sunday night, sitting in an empty living room with my HD cable box, blinking modem, and laptop computer, still thankful that I didn't have to carry any boxes...
Stay tuned to hear how it turns out.