It seems since we moved in to our house, we've been on a quest. It doesn't matter that we threw out, gave away, recycled, or otherwise got rid of truckloads of stuff when we left Knoxville. It doesn't matter that our closets are full of things we don't have room for. It doesn't matter that we already have so much stuff.

We keep realizing that we don't have the RIGHT STUFF. So we look for towels to match the new bathroom. For curtains to cover the windows. For shelves to hold the thousands of books we didn't give away. For cabinets to display our treasures. And now, we're looking for a dresser and a narrow chest of drawers that match our bedroom furniture.
In the process of all this looking, we're finding our way around Annapolis, the Washington Beltway, and the greater Baltimore area. Though it's frustrating to come up empty after an entire day in the truck, we've been having fun looking.
And of course, once we find the perfect bedroom furniture, we'll move on to looking for the perfect boat...
It's always something!
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