Even with the boat in the shop and the chance to watch Peyton Manning & the Colts take on the Ravens, it still wasn't enough to keep Shawn indoors on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

We packed up Crockett and headed east, thinking that we'd go to see the wild horses at Chincoteague or maybe romp on the beach at the Delaware State Seashore Park between Dewey and Bethany Beaches. In the end, we chose Cape Henlopen State Park in Lewes, DE.

Shawn remembered seeing the park from the Cape May ferry, the couple times we've taken the water route to South Jersey. As you can see from the pictures, Crockett approved of our choice!
There weren't too many people out - a couple surfcasters looking for migrating stripers, a couple beachcombers looking for treasure - so we were able to ignore the "keep your dog on the leash at all times" signs and let him frolic in the surf.

Speaking of treasure - Shawn found a big topwater plug tangled in some debris. As he untangled the mess, he told me that the lure cost at least as much as the price of admission ($8 for out-of-state). At that rate, he needed to find a bushel basket of lures to make up for all the ones he's left at the bottom of the Bay this year!
looks like a cool place and fun.
Is that the jean jacket I rescued a few years back??
How far away from home is the park?
That is the same jean jacket you rescued. The park is about 90 miles from our house - we can get there in less than two hours in the off season. It takes a lot longer in traffic!
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