The museum has a wonderful assortment of skipjacks and other boats used by Chesapeake Bay watermen for fishing, crabbing, and oystering. Some are indoors, others are tied up outside at the dock. All are fully accessible, and going aboard and exploring is encouraged. Ella got to test her climbing skills on one of the boats!
All of the exhibits are hands-on, so it's a great place to take kids who might not otherwise be interested in local history. They even have an exhibit on Crockett's ancestors, though there are no live dogs on the premises for people to play with!
Shawn was so impressed he bought a family membership. This allows us and our guests free entrance to the museum, plus overnight docking at their pier -- not a small thing, given that dock space in St. Michaels goes for a premium!
I'm looking forward to getting over there (and maybe even spending the night) at some point this summer. In the meantime, I'll have to live vicariously through their photos.
The kids flew back to Knoxville on the late flight tonight. We had a great time, and look forward to their next visit.
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