Sunday, January 27, 2008

Tobacco Barn

Shawn grew up in tobacco country -- the bottom land around the TVA lakes was the perfect place for this crop. His first jobs were cutting and hanging tobacco in this barn.

When Shawn's dad died, the brothers decided to take the path of least resistance with the federal buyout -- in fact, we just got our check in the mail this week -- and left the fields to grow over and the barn to be reclaimed by the earth.

As anyone who's ever been to my home in Michigan, the Kimbro tobacco barn is in a bit better shape than the barn in Leslie. But it's catching up fast!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sadly, the barn in Leslie is now completely, totally, all the way goooooooone, only to live on in the memories of the girls who spent their childhoods playing, pretending, climbing, swinging, hiding, feeding chickens and riding pigs in it. :(