What to do on Easter Sunday?

Instead of cooking or trying to find a restaurant that would take our motley crew on Easter Sunday, we decided to drive out to the Great Smoky Mountains in search of adventure.
After a stop at Kroger to stock up on provisions for a picnic, we drove through Pigeon Forge into the most visited national park in the country.
It was a beautiful day, so not surprisingly, many people had the same idea as us. Every picnic area was overflowing with people and dogs and cars - not quite the ambiance we wanted for our day in the mountains.

As we crossed the border into North Carolina, we started looking for places to pull off. We found a parking area that had been barricaded for maintenance, so we decided to take our chances and see what was up the trail.
Remember - we had a toddler, cooler, and a couple of tote bags full of supplies with us, so any rough hiking was out of the question.

We hit the jackpot, finding a short trail that ended next to a shaded waterfall with a flat space and plenty of good sitting rocks next to the creek - the perfect spot for our Easter picnic.

There was even a tree that had a cross carved into it.

After lunch, we waded into the creek. Shawn built a cairn; Ella went "swimming;" Jacob, Cory, and Michael hopped rocks; and the rest of us got varying degrees of wet.
Daniel couldn't resist jumping into my photo of Shawn's handiwork.

All in all, a pretty perfect Easter dinner!